Source code for itur.models.itu837

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from scipy.optimize import bisect
import scipy.stats as stats

from itur.models.itu1510 import surface_month_mean_temperature
from itur.models.itu1144 import bilinear_2D_interpolator
from itur.utils import (prepare_input_array, prepare_output_array,
                        load_data_interpolator, prepare_quantity,

class __ITU837():
    """Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling

    Available versions include:
    * P.837-6 (02/12) (Superseded)
    * P.837-7 (12/17) (Current version)
    Not-available versions:
    * P.837-1 (08/94) (Superseded)
    * P.837-2 (10/99) (Superseded)
    * P.837-3 (02/01) (Superseded)
    * P.837-4 (04/03) (Superseded)
    * P.837-5 (08/07) (Superseded)

    # This is an abstract class that contains an instance to a version of the
    # ITU-R P.837 recommendation.

    def __init__(self, version=7):
        if version == 7:
            self.instance = _ITU837_7()
        elif version == 6:
            self.instance = _ITU837_6()
#        elif version == 5:
#            self.instance = _ITU837_5()
#        elif version == 4:
#            self.instance = _ITU837_4()
#        elif version == 3:
#            self.instance = _ITU837_3()
#        elif version == 2:
#            self.instance = _ITU837_2()
#        elif version == 1:
#            self.instance = _ITU837_1()
            raise ValueError(
                f"Version {version} is not implemented for the ITU-R P.837 model."

        self._Pr6 = {}
        self._Mt = {}
        self._Beta = {}
        self._R001 = {}

    def __version__(self):
        return self.instance.__version__

    def rainfall_probability(self, lat, lon):
        # Abstract method to compute the rain height
        return self.instance.rainfall_probability(lat, lon)

    def rainfall_rate(self, lat, lon, p):
        # Abstract method to compute the zero isoterm height
        fcn = np.vectorize(self.instance.rainfall_rate, excluded=[0, 1],
        return np.array(fcn(lat, lon, p).tolist())

class _ITU837_7():

    def __init__(self):
        self.__version__ = 7
        self.year = 2017
        self.month = 6 = ''

        self.months = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
        self._Mt = {}
        self._R001 = {}

    def Mt(self, lat, lon, m):
        if not self._Mt:
            for _m in self.months:
                self._Mt[_m] = load_data_interpolator(

        # In this recommendation the longitude is encoded with format -180 to
        # 180 whereas we always use 0 - 360 encoding
        lon = np.array(lon)
        lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
        return self._Mt[m](
            np.array([lat.ravel(), lon.ravel()]).T).reshape(lat.shape)

    def R001(self, lat, lon):
        if not self._R001:
            self._R001 = load_data_interpolator(
                '837/v7_lat_r001.npz', '837/v7_lon_r001.npz',
                '837/v7_r001.npz', bilinear_2D_interpolator)

        # In this recommendation the longitude is encoded with format -180 to
        # 180 whereas we always use 0 - 360 encoding
        lon = np.array(lon)
        lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
        return self._R001(
            np.array([lat.ravel(), lon.ravel()]).T).reshape(lat.shape)

    def rainfall_probability(self, lat_d, lon_d):

        lat_f = lat_d.flatten()
        lon_f = lon_d.flatten()

        Nii = np.array([[31, 28.25, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]])

        # Step 2: For each month, determine the monthly mean surface
        # temperature
        Tii = surface_month_mean_temperature(lat_f, lon_f, self.months).value.T

        # Step 3: For each month, determine the monthly mean total rainfall
        MTii = np.array([self.Mt(lat_f, lon_f, m) for m in self.months]).T

        # Step 4: For each month, determine the monthly mean total rainfall
        tii = Tii - 273.15

        # Step 5: For each month number, calculate rii
        rii = np.where(tii >= 0, 0.5874 * np.exp(0.0883 * tii), 0.5874)  # Eq.1

        # Step 6a For each month number, calculate the probability of rain:
        P0ii = 100 * MTii / (24 * Nii * rii)  # Eq. 2

        # Step 7b:
        rii = np.where(P0ii > 70, 100 / 70. * MTii / (24 * Nii), rii)
        P0ii = np.where(P0ii > 70, 70, P0ii)

        # Step 7: Calculate the annual probability of rain, P0anual
        P0anual = np.sum(Nii * P0ii, axis=-1) / 365.25  # Eq. 3

        return P0anual.reshape(lat_d.shape)

    def rainfall_rate(self, lat_d, lon_d, p):
        if p == 0.01:
            return self.R001(lat_d, lon_d)

        lat_f = lat_d.flatten()
        lon_f = lon_d.flatten()

        Nii = np.array([[31, 28.25, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]])

        # Step 2: For each month, determine the monthly mean surface
        # temperature
        Tii = surface_month_mean_temperature(lat_f, lon_f, self.months).value.T

        # Step 3: For each month, determine the monthly mean total rainfall
        MTii = np.array([self.Mt(lat_f, lon_f, m) for m in self.months]).T

        # Step 4: For each month, determine the monthly mean total rainfall
        tii = Tii - 273.15

        # Step 5: For each month number, calculate rii
        rii = np.where(tii >= 0, 0.5874 * np.exp(0.0883 * tii), 0.5874)

        # Step 6a For each month number, calculate the probability of rain:
        P0ii = 100 * MTii / (24 * Nii * rii)

        # Step 7b:
        rii = np.where(P0ii > 70, 100 / 70. * MTii / (24 * Nii), rii)
        P0ii = np.where(P0ii > 70, 70, P0ii)

        # Step 7: Calculate the annual probability of rain, P0anual
        P0anual = np.sum(Nii * P0ii, axis=-1) / 365.25

        # Step 8: Compute the rainfall rate exceeded for p
        def _ret_fcn(P0):
            if p > P0:
                return 0
                # Use a bisection method to determine
                def f_Rp(Rref):
                    P_r_ge_Rii = P0ii * stats.norm.sf(
                        (np.log(Rref) + 0.7938 - np.log(rii)) / 1.26)
                    P_r_ge_R = np.sum(Nii * P_r_ge_Rii) / 365.25
                    return 100 * (P_r_ge_R / p - 1)

                return bisect(f_Rp, 1e-10, 1000, xtol=1e-5)

        fcn = np.vectorize(_ret_fcn)
        return fcn(P0anual).reshape(lat_d.shape)

class _ITU837_6():

    def __init__(self):
        self.__version__ = 6
        self.year = 2012
        self.month = 2 = ''

        self._Pr6 = {}
        self._Mt = {}
        self._Beta = {}

    def Pr6(self, lat, lon):
        if not self._Pr6:
            self._Pr6 = load_data_interpolator(
                '837/esarain_lat_v5.npz', '837/esarain_lon_v5.npz',
                '837/esarain_pr6_v5.npz', bilinear_2D_interpolator,

        return self._Pr6(
            np.array([lat.ravel(), lon.ravel()]).T).reshape(lat.shape)

    def Mt(self, lat, lon):
        if not self._Mt:
            self._Mt = load_data_interpolator(
                '837/esarain_lat_v5.npz', '837/esarain_lon_v5.npz',
                '837/esarain_mt_v5.npz', bilinear_2D_interpolator,

        return self._Mt(
            np.array([lat.ravel(), lon.ravel()]).T).reshape(lat.shape)

    def Beta(self, lat, lon):
        if not self._Beta:
            self._Beta = load_data_interpolator(
                '837/esarain_lat_v5.npz', '837/esarain_lon_v5.npz',
                '837/esarain_beta_v5.npz', bilinear_2D_interpolator,

        return self._Beta(
            np.array([lat.ravel(), lon.ravel()]).T).reshape(lat.shape)

    def rainfall_probability(self, lat_d, lon_d):

        Pr6 = self.Pr6(lat_d, lon_d)
        Mt = self.Mt(lat_d, lon_d)
        Beta = self.Beta(lat_d, lon_d)

        # Step 3: Convert MT and β to Mc and Ms as follows:
        Ms = (1 - Beta) * Mt

        # Step 4: Derive the percentage propability of rain in an average year,
        # P0:
        P0 = Pr6 * (1 - np.exp(-0.0079 * (Ms / Pr6)))  # Eq. 1

        return P0

    def rainfall_rate(self, lat_d, lon_d, p):
        Pr6 = self.Pr6(lat_d, lon_d)
        Mt = self.Mt(lat_d, lon_d)
        Beta = self.Beta(lat_d, lon_d)

        # Step 3: Convert MT and β to Mc and Ms as follows:
        Mc = Beta * Mt
        Ms = (1 - Beta) * Mt

        # Step 4: Derive the percentage propability of rain in an average year,
        # P0:
        P0 = np.where(Pr6 > 0,
                      Pr6 * (1 - np.exp(-0.0079 * (Ms / Pr6))),
                      0)  # Eq. 1

        # Step 5: Derive the rainfall rate, Rp, exceeded for p% of the average
        # year, where p <= P0, from:
        def computeRp(P0, Mc, Ms):
            a = 1.09                        # Eq. 2d
            b = (Mc + Ms) / (21797 * P0)    # Eq. 2e
            c = 26.02 * b                   # Eq. 2f

            A = a * b                       # Eq. 2a
            B = a + c * np.log(p / P0)      # Eq. 2b
            C = np.log(p / P0)              # Eq. 2c

            Rp = (-B + np.sqrt(B**2 - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A)  # Eq. 2

            return Rp

        # The value of Rp can only be computed for those values where p > P0
        Rp = np.where(np.isnan(P0) | (p > P0), 0, computeRp(P0, Mc, Ms))
        return Rp

__model = __ITU837()

[docs]def change_version(new_version): """ Change the version of the ITU-R P.837 recommendation currently being used. This function changes the model used for the ITU-R P.837 recommendation to a different version. Parameters ---------- new_version : int Number of the version to use. Valid values are: * 7: Activates recommendation ITU-R P.837-7 (12/17) (Current version) * 6: Activates recommendation ITU-R P.837-6 (02/12) (Superseded) """ global __model __model = __ITU837(new_version)
[docs]def get_version(): """ Obtain the version of the ITU-R P.837 recommendation currently being used. Returns ------- version: int Version currently being used. """ return __model.__version__
[docs]def rainfall_probability(lat, lon): """ Compute the percentage probability of rain in an average year, P0, at a given location. Parameters ---------- lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray Latitudes of the receiver points lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray Longitudes of the receiver points Returns ------- P0: numpy.ndarray Percentage probability of rain in an average year (%) References ---------- [1] Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling """ type_output = get_input_type(lat) lat = prepare_input_array(lat) lon = prepare_input_array(lon) lon = np.mod(lon, 360) val = __model.rainfall_probability(lat, lon) return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * u.pct
[docs]def rainfall_rate(lat, lon, p): """ Compute the rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year at a given location. Parameters ---------- lat : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray Latitudes of the receiver points lon : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray Longitudes of the receiver points p : number Percentage of time exceeded for p% of the average year Returns ------- R001: numpy.ndarray Rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year References ---------- [1] Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling """ type_output = get_input_type(lat) lat = prepare_input_array(lat) lon = prepare_input_array(lon) lon = np.mod(lon, 360) val = __model.rainfall_rate(lat, lon, p) return prepare_output_array(val, type_output) * /
[docs]def unavailability_from_rainfall_rate(lat, lon, R): """Compute the percentage of time of the average year that a given rainfall rate (R) is exceeded at a given location This method calls successively to `rainfall_rate` (sing bisection) with different values of p. Note: This method cannot operate in a vectorized manner. Parameters ---------- lat : number Latitude of the receiver point lon : number Longitude of the receiver point R : number, sequence, or numpy.ndarray Rainfall rate (mm/h) Returns ------- p: numpy.ndarray Rainfall rate exceeded for p% of the average year References ---------- [1] Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modelling """ lat = prepare_input_array(lat) lon = prepare_input_array(lon) lon = np.mod(lon, 360) R = prepare_quantity(R, /, 'Rain rate') # TODO: Cehck for bound on R (between 0 and 200 mm/hr?) def fcn(x): return (rainfall_rate(lat, lon, x).value - R - 1e-6) return bisect(fcn, 1e-5, 100, maxiter=50)