Contributing to ITU-Rpy

We welcome all contributions to grow and improve ITU-Rpy. There are many ways you can contribute, be it filing bug reports, writing new documentation or submitting patches for new or fixed behavior. This guide provides everything you need to get started.

Writing code

The ITU-Rpy source code is managed using Git and is hosted on GitHub. The recommended way for new contributors to submit code to ` ITU-Rpy <>`_ is to fork this repository and submit a pull request after committing changes to their fork. The pull request will then need to be approved by one of the core developers before it is merged into the main repository.

Coding style

Please follow these guidelines when writing code for ITU-Rpy:

  • Follow the PEP 8 Python style guide.
  • Try to use the same code style as used in the rest of the project.
  • New features and recommendations should be documented. Include examples and use cases where appropriate.
  • If possible, add appropriate unit tests for validation.

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If you have encountered a problem with ITU-Rpy or have an idea for a new feature, please submit it to the GitHub issue-tracker.

Including or providing a link to the source files involved may help us fix the issue. If possible, try to create a minimal project that produces the error and post that instead.

Improving Documentation

ITU-Rpy welcomes documentation contributions. Documentation on ITU-Rpy falls into the following categories:

  • API reference: The API reference docs are generated from docstrings in the ITU-Rpy source code.
  • Narrative documentation: These are tutorials and other writing that’s not part of the ITU-Rpy source code. This documentation is in the ITU-Rpy/docs folder of the GitHub repository.