itur.plotting package

itur.plotting provides convenient function to plot maps in ITU-Rpy.

This submodule uses matplotlib and cartopy as the default library to plot maps. Alternatively, the user can use basemap (if installed).

The example below shows the use of plot_in_map to display the mean surface temperature on the Earth.

import itur

# Generate a regular grid of latitude and longitudes with 0.1 degree
#  resolution.
lat, lon = itur.utils.regular_lat_lon_grid(resolution_lat=0.1,

# Compute the surface mean temperature
T = itur.models.itu1510.surface_mean_temperature(lat, lon)

# Display the results in a map (using cartopy)
ax = itur.plotting.plot_in_map(
        T, lat, lon, cmap='jet', vmin=230, vmax=310,
        cbar_text='Annual mean surface temperature [K]')

# Display the results in a map (using basemap)
ax = itur.plotting.plot_in_map_basemap(
        T, lat, lon, cmap='jet', vmin=230, vmax=310,
        cbar_text='Annual mean surface temperature [K]')
itur.plotting.plot_in_map(data, lat=None, lon=None, lat_min=None, lat_max=None, lon_min=None, lon_max=None, cbar_text='', ax=None, figsize=(6, 4), **kwargs)[source]

Plot the values in data in a map using cartopy.

The map uses an PlateCarree projection. Either {lat, lon} or {lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max} need to be provided as inputs. This function requires that cartopy and matplotlib are installed.

  • data (np.ndarray) – Data values to be plotted.
  • lat (np.ndarray) – Matrix with the latitudes for each point in data (deg N)
  • lon (np.ndarray) – Matrix with the longitudes for each point in data (deg E)
  • lat_min (float) – Minimum latitude of the data (deg N)
  • lat_max (float) – Maximum latitude of the data (deg N)
  • lon_min (float) – Minimum longitude of the data (deg E)
  • lat_max – Maximum longitude of the data (deg E)
  • cbar_text (string) – Colorbar text caption.
  • ax (Axes) – matplotlib axes where the data will be plotted.
  • figsize (tuple) – Dimensions of the Figure
  • **kwargs (dict) – Key-value arguments that will be passed to the contourf function.

ax – The matploltib axes object

Return type:


itur.plotting.plot_in_map_basemap(data, lat=None, lon=None, lat_min=None, lat_max=None, lon_min=None, lon_max=None, cbar_text='', ax=None, figsize=(6, 4), **kwargs)[source]

Plot the values in data in a map using basemap.

The map uses an equidistant cylindrical projection. Either {lat, lon} or {lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max} to be provided as inputs. This function requires that basemap and matplotlib are installed.

  • data (np.ndarray) – Data values to be plotted.
  • lat (np.ndarray) – Matrix with the latitudes for each point in data (deg N)
  • lon (np.ndarray) – Matrix with the longitudes for each point in data (deg E)
  • lat_min (float) – Minimum latitude of the data (deg N)
  • lat_max (float) – Maximum latitude of the data (deg N)
  • lon_min (float) – Minimum longitude of the data (deg E)
  • lat_max – Maximum longitude of the data (deg E)
  • cbar_text (string) – Colorbar text caption.
  • ax (Axes) – matplotlib axes where the data will be plotted.
  • figsize (tuple) – Dimensions of the Figure
  • **kwargs (dict) – Key-value arguments that will be passed to the imshow function.

m – The map object generated by Basemap

Return type:
