itur.models package

The itur.models package contains the implementation of the models described in the different ITU-R P. recommendations.

Individual modules can be imported from itur.models using itu<recomendation_number>, as shown below:

import itur.models.itu618

Each module contains two functions, get_version() and change_version(), that allow to obtain or change the version currently being used. The script below provides an example for the module that implements Recommendation ITU-R P.618.

import itur.models.itu618 as itu618

print('Current version of ITU-R P.618: ', itu618.get_version())
itu618.change_version(12)  # Change to version ITU-R P.618-12

By default, each module contains a __model object that acts as a singleton instance for the recommendation model. For most use cases, it is recommended that the developers interact with the model using the publicly documented functions. This way, it is ensured that all functions called belong to the same recommendation version, and that the parameters passed to the functions have the right units and format.

However, if a developer wants to instantiate a new model object (i.e., to compare results from different version, for development purposes), a new object can be instantiated as shown in the example below:

import itur.models.itu618 as itu618

model_618_12 = itu618._ITU618(12)
model_618_13 = itu618._ITU618(13)